Results for "focus"

Purpose Eliminates Comparison

Motivation Monday: Purpose Eliminates Comparison

Earlier in April I was listening to my IRL friend Heather on a webinar.   That’s right, I was multitasking (probably Pinterest) so I was listening instead of watching.  Anyway, something she said was an “ah ha” moment and so I knew it would be perfect for a Motivation Monday post. I started texting her as soon as it was over letting her know ho much I enjoyed it and asked if I could use her purpose quote and if she...

“Counter-Productive” Guest Post at Compared to Who?

Compared to Who: Counter-Productive

I’m writing over at Compared to Who? again this month.  In this post, I discuss how counter-productive it is to make comparisons. Making Comparisons is Counter-Productive So much time is wasted when we sit around making comparisons. We all have so many things we could be doing instead.  Find out what I learned about making comparisons from C.S. Lewis and how it rocked my world. It is time to move away from being counter-productive and focus on being productive so we...

Sacrifice is a Necessity

Perhaps you have already heard about a little Broadway phenomenon known as Hamilton? If not, you should check out the soundtrack. I am not big into hip-hop or r&b but this soundtrack, just WOW! The first time you listen to it you focus on how great the music is and then as you go back and listen to it over and over and listen to the stories. It is so well written and composed, but make no mistake, the success of...

Weekend Reflections: Projects, Graduation, Reading

I think weekends are a great opportunity to catch your breath from projects, spend time with family and friends, and just kick back and have some fun. It is also a great time for reflection, not only on how your week went, but also a chance to think about what you should do differently moving forward. The weekend is also a great opportunity to grab a cup of java and catch up on some reading. If you are at home...

New Opportunities Every Day

With MLB season openers happening across America I found it only fitting that the quote this week reference baseball.  There are so many great ones, that it was hard to narrow it down so don’t be surprised if baseball quotes pop up all season long. There is so much truth in this quote, not only as it relates to baseball but in our professional and personal lives as well. We each have new opportunities every day. It is what we...

Time is Equal for Everyone

Time is Equal for Everyone

So many people, myself included, often complain about not having enough time to do things. Even better, is when I hear, “_____ has more time than I do”. Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t we all have the same amount every day?  The better comment is, “My time commitments are currently full so if I want to do something new I will have to give up a current activity.” Time Wasters Confession: I can binge on Netflix. This...

Master Bathroom Declutter (Vanity Edition): Part 3

Master Bathroom Decluttter

WOOHOO! Declutter Complete!! Declutter? Check! I completely decluttered my master bathroom! Today I focused under the bathroom sink and my little vanity. (Plus I will share my pic of the countertop— I actually finished that on Thursday). When we moved a lot of what I decluttered from the bathroom actually came out from under the sink so I was thinking there wouldn’t be much to declutter under there. I forgot, however, that I never addressed all the knee braces from my oldest...

Before Setting New Year’s Goals, You MUST Do This

Before Setting Your New Years Goals

  This spring I read two books, High Impact Learning & The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning, for a training and development class. One of the things that both of these books had in common is that any training goals used for an organization should be based on the vision and mission of the organization. Any goals not based on this are futile to the organization and a waste of resources. So as I consider the new year, I reflected back...

Productivity and Frogs- What Do They Have in Common?

An important aspect of productivity is being smart with your time. What Can You Do? Many times being productive depends on how you start your day. All too often our delays are because of avoidance. As suggested by Twain, when we tackle the big frog first, we can stop avoiding the difficult things, therefore allowing productivity to increase. I know this sounds easy in theory, but the reality is frogs are nasty! Chances are the task you have been avoiding...

This is my new home – I’m here to stay

Welcome OK, so the picture isn’t my new home, but I thought it was a great picture of my favorite style of home. You should go check out this photographer’s other work as he has an albums full of nothing but Craftsman style homes and other architecture. This is simply my new home on the internet! The Back Story It’s time for me to get back to blogging. I really missed blogging and haven’t been consistent since I completely messed up our...