

School is Back in Session

The new year took off at a dead run as the kids began school again the first week of January so they could be ready for co-op. We got our oldest two moved back to UNT and the following week my classes were back in session. I only had two classes left to take this semester since I am graduating in May.  Let that sink in for a minute. That’s right, 27 years after graduating high school I am finally...

Time is Equal for Everyone

Time is Equal for Everyone

So many people, myself included, often complain about not having enough time to do things. Even better, is when I hear, “_____ has more time than I do”. Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t we all have the same amount every day?  The better comment is, “My time commitments are currently full so if I want to do something new I will have to give up a current activity.” Time Wasters Confession: I can binge on Netflix. This...

Before Setting New Year’s Goals, You MUST Do This

Before Setting Your New Years Goals

  This spring I read two books, High Impact Learning & The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning, for a training and development class. One of the things that both of these books had in common is that any training goals used for an organization should be based on the vision and mission of the organization. Any goals not based on this are futile to the organization and a waste of resources. So as I consider the new year, I reflected back...

Juggling Life: All that Miscellaneous Paperwork

Juggling Life

Ok, Juggling Life is difficult and all that miscellaneous paperwork everywhere doesn’t help.  Everyone I talk to tells me about these stacks of papers they always set aside; I have had them too. This is all the papers, magazine articles, business cards, and notes on scratch papers.  I have to say, this can be the most overwhelming stack as there isn’t just a neat little category in which they fit. While I no longer have my misc stack to show...

Juggling Life: Minimizing Email Stress

Can you relate? I know I can't possibly be the only person in a constant state of juggling life. Sometimes I feel like a juggler that is juggling so many plates that I can't stop to actually complete anything, lest I stop and everything else falls.

Can you relate? I know I can’t possibly be the only person in a constant state of juggling life. Sometimes I feel like a juggler that is juggling so many plates that I can’t stop to actually complete anything, lest I stop and everything else falls. Email, paperwork, schedules, three things that seem to be never-ending. How do We Handle Juggling Life? There is a famous saying, “how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!” So how do...