School is Back in Session

February 3, 2016

The new year took off at a dead run as the kids began school again the first week of January so they could be ready for co-op. We got our oldest two moved back to UNT and the following week my classes were back in session. I only had two classes left to take this semester since I am graduating in May.  Let that sink in for a minute. That’s right, 27 years after graduating high school I am finally graduating with my Bachelor’s.  It is never too late! Oh, and I also found out I was accepting into graduate school.

What I do Before a New School Semester

With the beginning of another semester, I had to get myself organized again.  I took the week before school started to make sure that my desk was in order and that I was caught up on all my paperwork.  My paperwork is so small at this point that my monthly folders are practically empty.  When I first tackled my paperwork, it was hard to imagine that I would ever get to the point that my monthly folders would almost not be needed. Perhaps I am at the stage where I can revisit my system and have a single folder labeled “future months”. Since it would have less than ten sheets of paper I think this is a viable option.

How I Handle School Assignments

My syllabi and class schedules were not available until the first day of class, but as soon as I printed them out I got everything written down in my life planner. This has been so beneficial in making sure I don’t overbook myself as I near due dates. I also have a tab in a notebook labeled “Due this Week”. I write out the steps for each of my assignments so that I can check them off as I complete them.  While some might find this redundant, this allows me to walk away from an assignment (this happens quite a bit in my life) and come back to it and know exactly where I need to pick up.

I personally like to work ahead.  I am almost done with an assignment due on the 22nd.  I am also pacing myself with personal deadlines for my capstone course that has one project due mid-April. I don;t want to find myself trapped in a corner as that could be disastrous.

What tips and tricks do you have for starting a new semester?

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