“M” is for Measurable in SMART Goals

May 11, 2016

SMART Goals- "M" is for Measurable

For the next five weeks, I am going to do a series on how to create SMART goals.  Each week I will talk about a specific aspect of what should be included in SMART Goals.

Last week we started writing our SMART Goal to make it more specific.  This week we are going to make certain our goal is Measurable.

“M” is for Measurable

If your goal isn’t measurable, how will you know if you ever accomplished it? For instance, my original goal was to “get healthy”. That goal is so broad it is hard to measure.  Does that mean exercise, lose weight, eat healthier? And even then, those 3 areas can be just as broad and hard to measure if I am not more specific.

Measuring defines how much is good enough when it comes to determining if the goal is complete.  Being able to measure the goal along the way also keeps us motivated.

There are 3 basic ways to measure your goal:

How much– when I think of this measurement I think in percentages. Let’s say you have an established habit or process, but you are wanting to improve it.  Measuring is percentages might make more sense. So if your business has a steady flow of revenue, but you would like to see an increase then your goal would likely be a percentage.

How often– this measurement is most often seen in establishing new habits or processes. This measurement keeps you accountable and determining how often you will do your new habit or process is the easiest way to track this.

How many– this measurement is used for goals looking for a specific number. Whether it is new customers, pounds lost, or days doing/not doing a habit.

The more specific you can be with your measurement, the easier it is to keep track of your progress so you can focus on results.

There are goals where it may be necessary to include multiple measurements for your goal.

Now that we have gone over what to include to make your goal measurable, it’s time to get started.   And remember, right now we are laying the groundwork for the free email course I am doing this summer.

To read the entire SMART Goal SERIES click here.